
I am writing my personal web page with org-mode, and I would like to
include a list of my publications. I am using bibtex2html for generating
the html from my bibtex file in more or less complex ways (i.e. separating
articles from conferences, and sorting by year), because I like the
customization features.
bibtex2html produces the body of an html file that I would like then to put
together with my headers and footers as generated by the org exporter, for
making everything uniform.

I tried #+INCLUDE: but it interprets the html file as an org file. If I
specify src html, it renders the html code in the page.

One solution I see is to generate the org-file with some script which will
put copy html generated code between #+BEGIN_HTML  ... #+END_HTML, but
before going this way I would like to know if there is a simpler way of
doing it.

All the best,

Giuseppe Lipari

Giuseppe Lipari
Université de Lille 1
blogs: http://scacciamennule.blogspot.com  (Italian)
          http://okpanico,wordpress.com          (Italian)
          http://algoland.wordpress.com           (English)

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