Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> Hello,
> mcg <> writes:
>> I use inline code for simple calculations to insert numeric results into
>> text apart from "normal" code blocks for more complex calculations and
>> graphics (all in R).
>> The :results replace option is not working for inline code, even if I
>> explicitly set it in the code block. So I get
>> #+PROPERTY: session *R*
>>   #+begin_src R :results replace value
>> 2+3
>>   #+end_src
>>   #+RESULTS:
>>   : 5
>> src_R[:results replace value]{2+3} =5= =5= =5= =5= =5= =5=
>> I would really like to have numeric outcome in the buffer (not only
>> minibuffer upon evaluation) but also evaluate the whole buffer when
>> exporting to have everything updated.
>> What is the problem here? For now I would have to
>> - evaluate only on export and keep :results silent
>> - evaluate all manually - meaning I get repeated results if I call
>> org-evaluate buffer
> :results replace is not implemented (yet?) for inline source blocks.

For me, that's the correct behavior, as inline code blocks are *only
expected to be evaluated during export*.

They are not intended to be executed in the buffer during normal use.
Hence, the above behavior (having the results inlined) is weird, and/or

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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