On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 7:53 PM, Ista Zahn <istaz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The problem is that I don't want
> blocks to be evaluated on export (too time consuming in many cases).
> So I turn that off, and either evaluate the blocks one at a time (I'm
> aware of the dangers of this, not my point here) or call
> org-babel-execute-buffer. Everytime I do that I get duplicate output
> from inline code. As far as I can see inline code +
> org-babel-execute-buffer is incompatible, which is why I gave up on
> the former.


The approach that I use requires the operator to keep the object
available and in the correct state,
in the environment, so that it is available during export. This is
probably pretty typical. It requires more
forethought as there are more opportunities for mistakes, versus
generating the inline output at evaluation

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