> -----Original Message-----
> From: emacs-orgmode-bounces+subhant=familycareinc....@gnu.org
> [mailto:emacs-orgmode-bounces+subhant=familycareinc....@gnu.org] On
> Behalf Of David Bjergaard
> Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 10:23 AM
> To: Ista Zahn
> Cc: Brett Viren; emacs-orgmode Mailinglist
> Subject: Re: [O] Executing org shell blocks on remote machine over ssh
> Ista Zahn <istaz...@gmail.com> writes:
> > On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 10:43 AM, Brett Viren <b...@bnl.gov> wrote:
> >> David Bjergaard <davi...@duke.edu> writes:
> >>
> >>> I use org mode as a lab notebook.  I write org-src blocks to keep
> >>> track of tasks I do at the command line, and then I copy paste them
> >>> into the terminal.  I would really like to hit "C-c C-c" on the
> >>> source block and have it executed on the remote machine.  I know
> >>> that you can specify the remote machine according to [1], however
> >>> the software I use requires a fairly complicated setup to get going.
> >>
> >> Is it just complicated, or is it also prohibitively long-running?
> >>
> >> If just the former, you could maybe bundle the setup into some shell
> >> script and source it in each of your sh source blocks.  Eg:
> >>
> >> #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output :dir /ssh:lycastus:/home/bviren
> >>   /bin/pwd
> >>   echo $HOSTNAME
> >>   ls -l foo.sh
> >>   echo "---"
> >>   cat foo.sh
> >>   echo "---"
> >>   source ./foo.sh
> >>   echo $FOO
> >> #+END_SRC
> >>
> >> #+RESULTS:
> >> : /home/bviren
> >> : lycastus
> >> : -rw-rw-r-- 1 bviren bviren 16 Nov 18 10:27 foo.sh
> >> : ---
> >> : export FOO=bar
> >> :
> >> : ---
> >> : bar
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> If the setup is purely environmental, and it takes a long time to
> >> perform, maybe you could do the set up once and then cache the
> >> resulting environment using the output of "env".
> >
> > I guess I'm missing something (like why the OP want's to run a shell
> > in a separate window), but why not just
> >
> > #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output :dir /ssh:lycastus:/home/bviren :session
> *shell*
> >   /bin/pwd
> >   echo $HOSTNAME
> >   ls -l foo.sh
> >   echo "---"
> >   cat foo.sh
> >   echo "---"
> >   source ./foo.sh
> >   echo $FOO
> > #+END_SRC
> >
> > ?
> >
> > Best,
> > Ista
> >>
> >>
> >> -Brett.
> Hi Ista, Brett,
> Thanks for the hints, I'll try these.
> Some clarification:
> >> If the setup is purely environmental, and it takes a long time to
> >> perform, maybe you could do the set up once and then cache the
> >> resulting environment using the output of "env".
> Unfortunately it takes a long time to set up, and its complicated (I have to
> initialize different versions of the software depending on which project I'm
> working on.) It can take up to 10 seconds to restore a saved environment,
> and it takes some setting up bootstrap the restoration command.
> > I guess I'm missing something (like why the OP want's to run a shell
> > in a separate window), but why not just
> I want the separate window because once the environment is set up, I also
> jump around a lot.  I record the pieces of shell script that are important for
> reproducing results in the notebook.  The snippets are then recycled across
> many sessions, and different pieces are used at different times (some are
> even used with different pieces of software).
> What I would like is to log into the remote machine, set up the software, and
> then have a way to tell emacs to send the org-src block to the set up
> environment so that I can build up the parts I need at that moment.
> I know this is working "against the grain" of the literate programming
> paradigm where the document and the source code are coupled, and
> tangling the document produces a program that can be executed.  I'm just
> wondering if its possible.  If not that's fine.  Really I'm just trying to 
> save
> myself a copy-paste (and the associated issues with it getting recorded in my
> .bash_history).
> Cheers,
>     Dave

It's been quite a while since I used one (or even did much shell programming), 
so my details are a bit fuzzy. But, I think your solution is in Unix (I'm 
assuming that's what your using), not emacs itself.

Take a look at the concept of 'named pipes'

If you've got a shared file system or can remote mount, a process like this 
would probably work:

Create 2 named pipes
One you can write to on system A (eg. my_sys_a_pipe), with a small script on 
system B that reads my_sys_a_pipe and executes the commands it grabs
Second named pipe is created and stdout on system B is redirected to it, then 
system A listens to it & feeds what is received to stdout (my_sys_b_pipe)

Echo "my list of commands" > my_sys_a_pipe
echo < my_sys_b_pipe  (see below, probably want a loop here)

You probably also need to include a tag of some sort (echo "sys_b_done" or 
similar) as the last command and then run a read/echo loop on my_sys_b_pipe to 
terminate the driver script and make sure it returns to emacs.

Hopefully this isn't too confusing, unfortunately I don't have time to go back 
and look up my syntax, but I think conceptually it might get you down the road

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