Nick Dokos <ndokos <at>> writes:
> Gary Oberbrunner <garyo <at>> writes:
> > Thomas S. Dye <tsd <at>> wrote:
> >      
> > > One solution is to use a capture template for TODO items and then
> > > refile them.  I picked this up from Bernt Hansen and like it a lot:
> > >
> >
> > Wow, that guy is serious!  I don't think his setup solves what I'm
> > looking for, but there is so much great stuff in there it'll take me
> > weeks to check it all out.
> Indeed - Bernt's writeup has been the source of inspiration for lots of
> people on this list.

I wonder whether Bernt would agree to turn his config file into an actual
lisp package that could be available via Elpa?

I find his code pretty close to what GTD should look like.  There are a few
things though that could be twicked a bit in order to comply with David
Allen's new book on Getting Things Done.

I will try to contact Bernt and ask him to deliver such an org-gtd.el
package.  That would be great for the orgmode community.


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