(jenia.ivlev) writes:

> (Thomas S. Dye) writes:
>> Aloha,
>> (jenia.ivlev) writes:
>>> Also, what if I want to import the actual function defintion into
>>> another src block:
>>>     #+begin_src scheme
>>>         (+ (my-plus 3 4) 1)
>>>     #+end_src
>>>     something here that import the previous function definitions
>>> Is that possible?
>> Yes, see section 14.10 Noweb reference syntax in the manual.
>> You'll have something that looks like this:
>> #+header: :noweb yes
>> #+begin_src scheme
>>   <<previous-function-definition>>
>>   (+ (previous-function 3 4) 1)
>> #+end_src
>> hth,
>> Tom
> What do you mean? <<previous-function-definition>> should be replaced
> with the actual function definition? But I use babel-mode so that I can
> interlace code in a natural language document. I want these src blocks
> to be separate.

Sorry, it refers to the name of the source code block.

| The “noweb” (see <>) Literate         
| Programming system allows named blocks of code to be referenced by using
| the familiar Noweb syntax:                                              
|      <<code-block-name>>                                                


Thomas S. Dye

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