Eric Abrahamsen <> writes:

> (jenia.ivlev) writes:
>> Hello:
>> I want to export to HTML and keep the white spaces.
>> Normally, I have to do skip a line (two newline characters) or use 
>> #+begin_verse... #+end_verse. 
>> Which is not optimal. The two new lines take up too much space, and the
>> begin/end verse don't export in the same to way to HTML as it does to
>> text. 
>> To HTML it keep the indentation corresponding to its location in the
>> tree, and to text it has a constant indentation (indentation it gives to
>> verse i think). 
>> So what is the proper way to do this? How do I instruct org-export to
>> keep the whitespaces?
>> Thanks very much in advnace for your time and kind help.
> Take a look at the docstring for the org-export-preserve-breaks
> variable. That ought to do it, and you can set it per-file in the export
> options.
> Eric

I set (org-export-preserve-breaks t) in .emacs file and it does preserve
the breaks, but not the white spaces: it doesnt indent depending on the
nesting in the org-tree, and it doesnt indent if I press
<space>. The text is shown to the left mode of the

Is there a way to change that?

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