
This issue is still open.  And I do not seem to be able to find this
thread on gmane for some reason.
So, I resend the last message as a summary.

I just tried to answer to that thread but the message again did not come
through.  So, another try (with a slightly adapted title).


Andreas Leha <andreas.l...@med.uni-goettingen.de> writes:
>> Charles Berry <ccbe...@ucsd.edu> writes:
>>> Andreas Leha <andreas.leha <at> med.uni-goettingen.de> writes:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> There seems to be a bug in table passing as variables now using the
>>>> tangle-friendly version of passing variables.
>>>> Here is an example (I get an error also with emacs -Q):
>>>> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
>>>> * test
>>>> #+name: testtab
>>>> | variable              | display                       | unit  |
>>>> |-----------------------+-------------------------------+-------|
>>>> | num_cells             | Number of Cells in Well       |       |
>>>> | cell_area             | Cell Area                     | =CE=BCm=C2=B2=
>   |
>>>> | nucleus_area          | Nucleus Area                  | =CE=BCm=C2=B2=
>   |
>>>> | roundness             | Cell Roundness                |       |
>>>> | ratio_w2l             | Cell Width to Length Ratio    |       |
>>>> | inten_nuc_dapi_median | Intensity Nucleus DAPI Median |       |
>>>> | dapi_median           | Intensity Nucleus DAPI Median |       |
>>>> | edu_median            | Intensity edu Median          |       |
>>>> | oct4_median           | Intensity oct4 Median         |       |
>>>> | clump_size            | Clump Size                    | cells |
>>>> | short_name            | Cell Line                     |       |
>>>> | p_col                 | Column                        |       |
>>>> | batch                 | Batch                         |       |
>>>> | concentration         | Fibronectin Concentration     | ugml  |
>>>> | Residual              | Residual                      |       |
>>>> | evaluation_guid       | Plate                         |       |
>>>> | donor                 | Genotype                      |       |
>>>> #+BEGIN_SRC R :session *test* :var test=3Dtesttab
>>>>   test
>>>> #+END_SRC
>>>> #+RESULTS:
>>>> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
>>>> I see this in my R session:
>>>> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
>>>> Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines,=20
>>>> na.strings,  (from
>>>> testorg.org!917613Wp#22) :=20
>>>>   line 17 did not have 3 elements
>>>> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
>>> I think this is the wrong diagnosis.
>> I agree.  Saving the table as tsv (via org-table-export) results
>> in a file that cannot be read from R either.
>>> Did you actually revert to the earlier version of ob-R.el to confirm tha=
>>> this would have run correctly?=20
>> I did not revert.  But that org file used to work.  I won't be able
>> to bisect any time soon.
>>> The reason I ask is that I just tried this with org-babel-R-assign-elisp
>>> from=20
>>>   org-mode-a5686d87786b1d6514ec85959a2188f703346a06/lisp/ob-R.el
>>> and got the same error. Note this:
>>> #+name: testtab2
>>> | variable | display  | unit |
>>> |----------+----------+------|
>>> | donor    | Genotype |      |
>>> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var test=3Dtesttab2
>>> (orgtbl-to-tsv test '(:fmt org-babel-R-quote-tsv-field))
>>> #+END_SRC
>>> #+RESULTS:
>>> : "donor"   "Genotype"
>> exactly.  That also causes the org-table-export to fail.
>>> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var value=3Dtesttab2
>>> ;; from org-babel-R-assign-elisp
>>> (mapcar 'length (org-remove-if-not 'sequencep value))
>>> #+END_SRC
>>> #+RESULTS:
>>> | 3 |
>>> In particular, the empty table cells are omitted even though=20
>>> `value' or `test' has all lengths as 3. This results in=20
>>> calling read.table ( ..., fill=3DFALSE) implicitly.
>>> Not sure if the fix is to retool org-babel-R-assign-elisp or something
>>> in org-table.el.
>> I am the wrong person to answer that.  But it looks to me to be an
>> issue for org-table.el.
>> Thanks for your better analysis.
>> Regards,
>> Andreas
>To keep this issue going, here a quick thought:
>Since orgtbl-to-csv seems to work, a temporary fix on ob-R's side would
>be to use that for passing of tables.

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