Thanks a lot Andreas. Is there a way to globally 
shrink/resize table for latex export without having 
to define column width like this 
“:align p{1cm} p{0.5cm} p{1cm}” ?
I am hopting to do something like width=\textwidth
and leave the rest to org for finding suitable font 


> On 5 Dec 2014, at 13:12, Andreas Leha <> 
> wrote:
> Hi Zhihao,
> Zhihao Ding <> writes:
>> Dear Org experts, 
>> I am trying to fit a slightly wide latex table into a beamer 
>> slide in org. Below is my current solution and I was wondering 
>> if anyone can offer some advice on improving it. 
>>     #+begin_scriptsize
>>     #+ATTR_LATEX: :align p{1cm} p{0.5cm} p{1cm}
>>     |           |     |     <7> |
>>     |      Site | Ind | -log10.pval |
>>     | 123279713 |   1 | 6.006102 |
>>     | 123279713 |   2 | 6.274326 |
>>     | 123279713 |   4 | 6.210920 |
>>     | 123279710 |   4 | 97.163695 |
>>     | 123279710 |   5 | 208.841892 |
>>     #+end_scriptsize
>> In this solution, the issues are: (1) <N> for column width 
>> doesn’t seem to round text for latex output, and (2) I need
>> to define column width in addition to <N>. 
>> I’d like to seek a solution that just shrinks the table to fit 
>> the text width without this fiddling. 
>> Many thanks, 
>> Zhihao
> first:
> you can set the font size in the #+ATTR_LATEX: line with 
> #+ATTR_LATEX: :font \scriptsize
> second:
> If you want to get the numbers rounded, you can either
> (a) use babel or
> (b) use the spreadsheet capabilities.
> In both cases, you'll generate a new table which you want to export
> example:
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> * orig table                                                     :noexport:
> #+name: origtable
> |           |     |     <7> |
> |      Site | Ind | -log10.pval |
> | 123279713 |   1 | 6.006102 |
> | 123279713 |   2 | 6.274326 |
> | 123279713 |   4 | 6.210920 |
> | 123279710 |   4 | 97.163695 |
> | 123279710 |   5 | 208.841892 |
> * the table formatted with babel
> This (untested!) used to work, but due to a bug [fn:1] does not.
> #+name: formatorigtable
> #+begin_src R :var origtable=origtable :colnames yes
>  origtable[,3] <- format(origtable[,3], digits=3)
>  origtable
> #+end_src
> #+ATTR_LATEX: :align p{1cm} p{0.5cm} p{1cm}
> #+results: formatorigtable
> * the table formatted with calc/orgmode
> This is quite complicated but works.
> |           |     |     <7> |
> |      Site | Ind | -log10.pval |
> |-----------+-----+---------|
> | 123279713 |   1 |    6.01 |
> | 123279713 |   2 |    6.27 |
> | 123279713 |   4 |    6.21 |
> | 123279710 |   4 |   97.16 |
> | 123279710 |   5 |  208.84 |
> #+TBLFM: $1=remote(origtable, @@#$1)::$2=remote(origtable, 
> @@#$2)::$3=remote(origtable, @@#$3); f-2
> * Footnotes
> [fn:1] I am unable to locate the thread about this for some strange reason.
> The messages were sent between 2014-10-14 and 2014-10-16.
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> Best,
> Andreas

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