
Q: Is it possible to give an optional class or something similar to an
(unordered) list when exporting to html?

I'm "porting" my CV to Org since I want to export to both html and LaTeX
from the same file.  At one point I have something like:

- 2011--2012 :: 
  #+ATTR_LATEX: :environment iand
  #+ATTR_HTML:  :class iand
  - item1
  - item2

Which is to be printed as:

      2011–2012     item1 ∘ item2 

I.e. an "inline list".

>From org-html-begin-plain-list it seems it's impossible to add an extra
class.  Is there a technical HTMLish limitation?  Or only an ox-html
limitation?  If the latter I could try to add it.



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