Rainer Stengele <rainer.steng...@online.de> writes:

> The only thing that is different from the past is that any "comment" in the 
> PROPERTIES section does seem to confuse the exporter.
> I removed
> x:/0PROJEKT/Kunden/customer/customer-Dokumentation-yyyymmdd.html
> x:/0PROJEKT/Kunden/customer/customer-Dokumentation-another-title.html
> :EXPORT_TITLE: Stoll - IT (HW/SW) - Zugänge - Konfigurationen [Stand: 
> yyyymmdd]
> :END:
> As an example I removed the second line in the :PROPERTIES: block and
> the standard html export does respect the file name again.

Org syntax is much less tolerant wrt property drawers now: they can only
contain node properties.


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