I am trying to do a latex loop in org mode. When I use the latex syntax
directly, the character "{" are exported as"\{" as in case 1 below. If I
use ‘\(...\)’ it does keep the "{" characters but the ‘\(...\)' stays in
the .tex created (case 2 below) giving me an error when I try to generate
the pdf.
Is there an other was to export the "{" characters?

Org-mode version 6.33x

case 1
.org file:
\foreach \n in {Temp,DO,Sal}{\foreach \m in
\n \m \par

.tex file:
\foreach \n in \{Temp,DO,Sal\}{\foreach \m in
\n \m \par

case 2
.org file:
\(\foreach \n in {Temp,DO,Sal}{\foreach \m in
\n \m \par

.tex file:
\(\foreach \n in {Temp,DO,Sal}{\foreach \m in
\n \m \par


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