The "study" is an obvious diatribe couched in (poorly done) scientific
method. It almost seems like these researchers have at some time been
required to use LaTeX and are angry over it.

I will agree that LaTeX is slower and less efficient than LibreOffice (I
don't have Word on any of my computers but the argument I suppose is the
same), if your only interest is pounding out text of a first draft. But
the "study" didn't allow for the effects of proofreading, etc., and all
the things that are always done when producing something for
publication. I expect that the differences in grammar and orthographic
errors will be insignificant.

A 30-minute test is ridiculous. More meaningful would have been
end-to-end time to complete a given document. Maybe then Word would have
still been faster; I don't know. But that doesn't tell the whole story
by any means, including the very important matter of long-term storage
in a non-proprietary format.

Bob Newell
Honolulu, Hawai`i
* Sent via Ma Gnus 0.12-Emacs 24.3-Linux Mint 17 *

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