How do I go back and forth across days in one view in a block agenda,
without resetting the other one?

I am configuring a custom view in the agenda like this:

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      '(("A" "Multiple Agendas"
         ((agenda "" )
          (agenda "" ))
         ((org-agenda-ndays 1)))))

Note that I've stripped out all the configurations that make those two
agendas different, since that's not what's relevant here. I load this
view up, I position the cursor in the top view, and I hit "b" because
I want to look at yesterday. Then, I position the cursor in the bottom
view, and hit "b" as well. Now, the top view is redrawn, and is reset
back to "today".

Is it possible to navigate a block view that consists of multiple
agendas in sync?

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