On 2015-01-14, at 01:18, Subhan Michael Tindall <subh...@familycareinc.org> 

> Is there a hook that is run with creating a new headline in org mode? I have 
> several properties that I always set for working todos & I'd like to have 
> them automatically created when I make a new headline (say when I hit return 
> at the end of it)
> IE:
> ,*** this is a sample headline <hit enter here>
> ,*** this is a sample headline
> <some properties here>
> :END:
> And maybe even an interactive schedule/deadline prompt?
> I have a function to create the properties drawer but don't know how to hook 
> it to headline creation.

Why not create a specialized function which might ask for the title of
the headline and insert that headline along with the properties?  Or
even insert an /empty/ headline with these properties and place the
point after the string of asterisks and a space, so that you can type
the title?  Or, if we are at it, why not use Yasnippet for that?

Not exactly what you want, but maybe this is what you /need/?

If not, I guess that advising org-return /might/ be the way to go.
(For instance, you might check whether the user hits RET with the point
at the end of a headline with empty contents.)

> Thanks!
> Subhan


Marcin Borkowski
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Adam Mickiewicz University

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