Alan Schmitt <> writes:

> On 2015-01-15 15:54, (Phillip Lord) writes:
>> Good. If you find any examples which fail, I'd be happy to look.
> It's not really failing, but I don't know how to put the end of file
> markers so that lentic likes it. For instance:
> ;; #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> (message "foo")
> ;; #+end_src
> ;; #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> (provide 'lentic_test)
> ;; #+end_src
> ;; # Local Variables:
> ;; # lentic-init: lentic-orgel-org-init
> ;; # End:
> ;;; lentic_test.el ends here
> The last line is not nicely typeset.

So, local variables comes *after* the ends here line. Currently, the
"ends here" line needs to be *inside* a source block, so you would have...

;; #+begin_src emacs-lisp
(message "foo")
;; #+end_src

;; #+begin_src emacs-lisp
(provide 'lentic_test)
;;; lentic_test.el ends here
;; #+end_src

;; # Local Variables:
;; # lentic-init: lentic-orgel-org-init
;; # End:

I am debating the last bit. I could treat the last line specially, as I
do the first, so it would end up as

# # lentic_test.el ends here

in the org-mode version. But then it would not appear in the any
org-mode output when perhaps it should.

>> At the moment, killing one or the other lentic buffers does the job.
>> Lentic checks for the killed buffer and all should be good. An "exit
>> lentic" command might be nice, indeed. It could close all lentic buffers
>> except the first (currently lentic only supports one buffer, but
>> eventually it should support many). But killing the buffer works fine
>> also.
> Right now it's a three steps process:
> - kill the buffer
> - confirm the kill as it's modified (the "org" buffer)
> - close the window
> This is why I think a lentic-exit command would be great.

Ah, okay. Currently, the save-buffer command in the org lentic view
should also save the .el version (I have the two hooked together). I was
thinking of adding two new features -- an auto-delete capability, so
that the file associated with the org-mode version is deleted when the
buffer is closed (or Emacs exists). This is to stop leaving lots of org
files around the place.

The process would then be

- save-buffer
- kill-buffer

I could also modify kill-buffer so that iff auto-delete is set, the
modification will not trigger save requests.

Can I ask, why do you want to kill the buffer? Why not just bury it?


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