
May I bump up this thread?

Sebastien Vauban wrote:
> In a long document, I must have ":eval no" at file level, as this is the
> common setting for most code blocks. However, how do I unset that for
> some call lines.
> Export this ECM (to HTML, for example) and see for yourself that it does
> not seem evident...
> #+TITLE:     ECM to be exported
> #+PROPERTY:  eval no
> #+PROPERTY:  results none
> * Results
>   :exports:  results
>   :results:  replace
>   :END:
> ** Square
> Here nothing gets executed: neither the code block, nor the call lines...
> #+name: square
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no :var x=1
> (* x x)
> #+end_src
> 2 x 2 = call_square(x=2).
> 3 x 3 = call_square[:eval yes](x=3).
> ** Plus
> Here, ":eval yes" (or even ":eval foo" FWIW) allows the code block to get
> executed at export:
> #+name: plus
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no :var x=4 :eval foo
> (+ x x)
> #+end_src
> But none of the call lines gets executed...
> 5 + 5 = call_plus(x=5).
> 6 + 6 = call_plus[:eval yes](x=6).
> So, how do I override the ":eval no" specified at the file level?
> Any idea?

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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