Andreas Hilboll <> writes:

> Dear org experts,
> I have a bunch of TODOs which represent tasks that I'd like to do some
> time.  When I end up having a certain amount of spare time, I'd like to
> be able to get a list of all of these "someday" tasks which would fit
> into the available time frame.  I.e., when I know I have about 30mins,
> I'd like to see only those "someday" tasks which are estimated to be
> shorter than 30 mins.
> I'd like to see how people are dealing with this sort of thing.  One
> easy possibility would be to have tags "1hr", "2hrs", "0hrs", etc.
> I appreciate any ideas =)
> Cheers,
>   Andreas.

I don't use the EFFORT property, but I think it's exactly what you want.
See the (org) Effort estimates section of the manual.


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