On 2015-01-23, at 10:56, Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> wrote:

> I don't like proprietary software. I promote open solutions wherever
> I can and accept a more painful living by ignoring comfy proprietary
> solutions.

+1, the same with me.  Although I do use some non-free-as-defined-by-FSF
software.  (Apparently, to be fully FSF-compliant you shouldn't say
"open".  Assuming that you *want* to be FSF-compliant, that is;-).  BTW:
from now on I'm going to use the terms: "free-as-defined-by-FSF" and its
negation, because I do not want to borrow terms from an entity whose
philosophy I do oppose.)

> However, I do like to see (maintained) alternatives of MobileOrg and
> I do like to see third party tools using the Org syntax for storing
> and managing information.


> So: Jose, I like what I see on your web page and please do carry on.
      ^^^^ Neven, not Jose!
> Thanks you for making it clear that your software is not open source
> and please keep on doing this.

+1 again.

> I will probably never use Orgzly by myself because I like open
> solutions. I accept that other people might want to have an
> easy-to-use closed alternative solution to use Org on their phone.
> It's so much better than using Evernote or other cloud-based
> solutions.

I might want to use Orgzly.  (I do use Evernote occasionally, btw; yes,
it is terrible.)

BTW, one more question: what about all the emails about dropbox-based
syncing of Emacs config or Org files?  Why didn't they get banned?  All
are equal, but some are more equal than others?

> Thanks for promoting Org!


Marcin Borkowski
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Adam Mickiewicz University

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