Matt Price <> writes:

> On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 8:30 AM, Rasmus <> wrote:
>> #+begin_rant
>> The current state is a mess and not portable.  E.g. there's at least two
>> Zotero projects, there's John Kitchin's code, there's ox-bibtex.el (which
>> IMO is not suitable for complicated citation requirements), plus everyone
>> and their mother's have got custom citation links in their config via
>> custom org link types...
>> /Proper/ citation support (not links) is, IMO, the last thing that is
>> missing for good academic publishing support.
>> #+end_rant
> (I know about zotxt -- is there another zotero project?)

This is the other one I had in mind:

> (b) I could start to recommend it to colleagues, as I'm itching to do.

But the argument "it's easier/cleaner" seems to shatter when you get to
[[textcite:KEY]] compared to \textcite{KEY}...  Even worse when you have
to have notes, e.g. \textcite[pre][post]{KEY}.


The right to be left alone is a human right

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