Aaron Ecay wrote:
> 2015ko urtarrilak 23an, Sebastien Vauban-ek idatzi zuen:
>>> Since = and ~ have been inverted, I think it'd make sense to make
>>> `org-babel-inline-result-wrap' now default to "~%s" (instead of
>>> "=%s"), for markup that produces verbatim text.
>> Here is the patch.
> If I understand this thread correctly, = is now consistently
> interpreted as verbatim and ~ as code.  I think verbatim (i.e. the
> status quo) is what makes sense for inline babel results – results are
> not generally speaking code (though of course in special cases they
> can be).
> I’m not sure what you mean by
>> That will put fix back as what they were for people having different
>> CSS or LaTeX styles applied to both markers.

I mean that some of us may have applied CSS to differentiate among
"code" and "verbatim" in HTML.

Anyway, I do agree with you that defaulting to verbatim (instead of
code) makes more sense, in fact, for results of inline babel code

Case closed!

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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