Jarmo Hurri <jarmo.hu...@syk.fi> writes:

> Yep, I am going to start doing this if no-one is working on it yet.
> I woke up in the middle of the night to realize how amazingly easily
> this can be done if I drop out the support for PDF export, that is,
> only leave the option to export as HTML. There is no need to even
> execute the code at export time to draw the image or the animation,
> because in HTML you can just wrap the original Processing code in a
> canvas element and the Processing.js code will draw it in the browser.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Processing.js
> Let me repeat: by just exporting the code suitably embedded in the HTML
> document, the _browser_ will draw the image or the animation. I just
> tested it and it works perfectly.
> So I will implement this in Org/Babel so that
> - executing Processing code will result in the image / animation being
>   shown in an external window via processing-java
> - exporting the results of Processing code is only sensible in HTML
>   export, which will produce a web page with the code embedded as
>   described above; the browser does the drawing.
> These operations will require the availability of processing-java and
> processing.js in the system where the code is executed/exported.

I posted the quoted message a while back, indicating that I would start
working on Processing support in org mode. I now have the time to start
implementing it. I will take one of the other language support files as
a basis.

If anybody has anything they'd like to add to my idea at this time, feel
free to do so. I will be working on this on and off, but this should be
done by the end of the spring. I will need Processing support in the
autumn in a project.

All the best,


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