None of those features need to change, don't worry!

Julian M. Burgos writes:

> Thanks everyone for thinking about citations.  I wish I knew enough lisp
> to make a contribution to this work... for now I can only sit on the
> side and clap.
> I am also a big fan of org-ref.  Although my needs are not complex
> (basically citing from a BibLatex file and exporting to LaTex), I found
> that having "actionable" citations is tremendously useful.  In
> particular, clicking on the citation allows to open the pdf file with
> the reference, the .bib file, or an org mode file with notes.  I hope
> this feature is kept in whatever new org-mode reference system you guys
> develop.
> Keep up the good work!
> All the best,
> Julian
> Vikas Rawal writes:
>> Org-ref is very functional and has so far been able to deal with much of my 
>> needs. So, I just hope we are not trying to fix something that is not broken.
>> The real need in the context of citations is to somehow extend the 
>> bibtex/biblatex integration to other export formats (odt/html, most 
>> importantly). Will all the new stuff that is being proposed take us in that 
>> direction?
>> Vikas
>>> On 03-Feb-2015, at 7:26 am, Richard Lawrence 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi Rasmus and all,
>>> Thanks for your comments!
>>> Rasmus <> writes:
>>>>> ** Backend-agnostic formatting properties
>>>>> *** Selecting specific fields
>>>>> Selecting specific fields to display could be done by appending field
>>>>> names to cite keys after colons, much like Org tags:
>>>>> [See @Doe99, pp. 34--45; also @Doe00:year, section 6]
>>>>> [See their article in @Doe99:journal:year.]
>>>>> #+END_QUOTE

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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