On Wed,  4 Feb 2015 at 07:59:46 PST,
Richard Lawrence <richard.lawre...@berkeley.edu> wrote:
> Erik Hetzner <e...@e6h.org> writes:
> >> The ideal would be if citeproc would take care of proper formatting
> >> of all such citation types, given just an ordered list of the fields
> >> that should appear.  I don't know if CSL supports this, though; do
> >> you?
> >
> > I’m not entirely sure what you mean. The authors of citeproc have come
> > up with a huge number of styles which seem to satisfy people’s needs.
> > What appears in the in-text citation is configurable, see:
> >
> >   
> > http://citationstyles.org/downloads/specification-csl101-20120903.html#citation
> Sorry, I wasn't clear.  What I mean is, is there a way to tell an
> implementation of CSL "hey, this particular citation right here should
> only contain the author (or year, or journal...) of the referenced work,
> even though the citation style for this document is (e.g.) numeric?"
> The link you referenced makes it seem like the <citation> element
> describes how citations should be formatted for a whole document, but
> maybe I don't understand it.  (Can there be multiple citation formatting
> styles specified by a CSL stylesheet? or multiple stylesheets used to
> format the citations in a document?)
> The idea is, a citation like "As Doe says in @Doe99:title, ..." should
> render like "As Doe says in /The Title/, ...", not like "As Doe says in
> Doe (1999), ...", even if "@Doe99" citations in the document generally
> render like the latter.  I suspect this must be possible with
> citeproc/CSL, but I don't actually know, since Pandoc doesn't provide
> syntax for this kind of case.

Hi Richard,

Thanks for the reply. I believe there is some discussion of this here:


and probably elsewhere on the pandoc-discuss list if you search the

It’s not supported in existing citeproc implementations, but I think
it would be possible to support something like this. On the other
hand, this is also something that is easily done by hand, so I don’t
know if it’s worth the trouble.

best, Erik
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