Thanks, Drew; I have it now. To all concerned, it's easy to add bookmark+ link 
support to org-mode with the following:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
;;; * bmkp links
     (org-add-link-type "bmkp" 'org-bmkp-open)
     (add-hook 'org-store-link-functions 'org-bmkp-store-link)
     (defcustom org-bmkp-command 'bookmark-jump
       "The Emacs command to be used to display a bmkp page."
       :group 'org-link
       :type '(choice (const bookmark-jump) (const bookmark-jump-other-window)))

     (defun org-bmkp-open (path)
       "Visit the bmkppage on PATH.
     PATH should be a bookmark name that can be thrown at the `bookmark-jump' 
       (funcall org-bmkp-command path))
     (defun org-bmkp-store-link ()
       "Store a link to a bmkp bookmark."
       (when (memq major-mode '(bookmark-bmenu-mode))
         (let* ((bookmark (bookmark-bmenu-bookmark))
                (link (concat "bmkp:" bookmark))
                (description (format "Bookmark: %s" bookmark)))
            :type "bmkp"
            :link link
            :description description))))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Drew Adams <> writes:

>>      (defun org-bmkp-store-link ()
>>        "Store a link to a bmkp bookmark."
>>        (when (memq major-mode '(bookmark-bmenu-mode))
>>          (let* ((bookmark (org-bmkp-get-bookmark-name))
>                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>                                           |
>                                           v
>                              (bookmark-bmenu-bookmark)
> It looks like you are trying to get the name of the bookmark at
> point in buffer `*Bookmark List*'.  To do that, just evaluate
> (bookmark-bmenu-bookmark).
> For Bookmark+, if you pass that function a non-nil arg then you
> get the full bookmark record, not just the name.  (But anyway,
> most bookmark functions accept either the name or the bookmark.)
> (No relation with Org links, but you can also create simple, 
> non-persistent bookmark links using `bmkp-insert-bookmark-link'.
> Dunno whether that will help with what you want to do.

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