Here is the simplest example I can come up with.  I changed the four
figures to text.  Note that in comments, I show where I can add
\end{columns} and \begin{columns} to the org-generated .tex files, and I
get what I want, a 2x2 set of figures.


#+LATEX_CLASS: beamer
#+BEAMER_THEME: Frankfurt
#+OPTIONS: H:2 toc:nil num:t

* Introduction
** Overview
  :BEAMER_col: 0.5
#+LaTeX: \centering
Figure 1 (top/left)

Text instead of figure Text instead of figure Text instead of figure
Text instead of figure Text instead of figure Text instead of figure
#+LaTeX: \vspace{0.1in}

  :BEAMER_col: 0.5
#+LaTeX: \centering
Figure 2 (top/right)

Text instead of figure

# If I put: \end{columns}
# and put : \begin{columns}
# here in the .tex output from org-mode, I get a 2x2 set of figures

  :BEAMER_col: 0.5
#+LaTeX: \centering
Figure 3 (bottom/left)

Text instead of figure

  :BEAMER_col: 0.5
#+LaTeX: \centering
Figure 4 (bottom/right)

Text instead of figure


Thank you!!

Eric S Fraga writes:

> On Tuesday, 10 Feb 2015 at 13:12, Larrabee Strow wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks for the suggestion.
>> I tried making the columns bigger "BEAMER_col: 0.8 or whatever
>> Didn't work.
> can you post a minimal example.  I'm happy to play with it to see.

L. Larrabee Strow
UMBC Physics Department
Office Phone: 724-663-7341
Google Phone: 724-663-1441

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