On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 5:25 AM, Charles Millar <mill...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> Why bother with the arrow keys at all? I have a capture template for
>> appointments and deadlines which requests date and time. Calendar is called.
>> Rather than arrow keys I type the date<space>time (optional duration) and
>> then enter - e.g. call the template, then "2/28 13:30 (and then enter the
>> rest of template requests such as 'What has to be done""

Because "tomorrow" is one key combo away - Shift-Right, and you don't
have to remember today's date and add 1 to it. Likewise, "same day
next week" is one key combo away - Shift-Down", and you don't have to
add 7 to it. YMMV, but this sort of cognitive load reduction is
important to some people, including myself.

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