Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> Your suggested change does indeed yield more interesting and, I guess,
> potentially more helpful information.  The output is:
> ,----
> | OpenDocument export failed: FIXME: Resolve #("#+NAME: fig:radar-chart-urea
> | #+CAPTION: Radar chart for the urea process which does not require a 
> catalyst.
> | #+RESULTS[10c1bfffde9a020d138a430992eb2f43c29c9257]: 
> | [[file:radar-chart-urea.pdf]]
> | 
> | " 40 107 (:parent (#("Radar chart for the urea process which does not 
> require a catalyst." 0 67 (:parent #2)))))
> `----
> but it unfortunately doesn't tell me how to fix the problem.

Apparently `org-odt-inline-image-rules' dismisses pdf files as images.
What happens if you add PDF extension to the list?


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