Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:

> Do you consider it explicit when no environment is specified?  I would
> /only/ use capt-of when :environment is nil.

I think you are confusing :environment and :float. :environment cannot
be nil.

       Environment used for the table.  It can be set to any LaTeX table
       environment, like ‘tabularx’(1), ‘longtable’, ‘array’, ‘tabu’(2),
       ‘bmatrix’...  It defaults to ‘org-latex-default-table-environment’

       The ‘:float’ specifies the float environment for the table.
       Possible values are ‘sideways’(3), ‘multicolumn’, ‘t’ and ‘nil’.
       When unspecified, a table with a caption will have a ‘table’
       environment.  Moreover, the ‘:placement’ attribute can specify the
       positioning of the float.  Note: ‘:placement’ is ignored for
       ‘:float sideways’ tables.

We could use captof with a caption and :float nil.

> That would be nice, I guess.  Then I could also use #+CAPTION which is
> arguably nicer than #+attr_latex :caption.



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