This feature has apparently crept into emacs and orgmode within the last
year or so, and I've come to rely on it.  I don't remember anything I
may have done to make this happen, but now I can have a persistent
record of my last capture.  Wow!  Love it.

Can this feature be tweaked to list, say, the last five captures, or

Also, the bookmark list only shows the filename where the most recent
capture was stored: is it possible to redesign this, so the heading is

Still loving org-capture.  But except for a number of specialized
captures I have been using one capture type and used tags for later
sorting.  Examples of my more complex usages are (1) a table insertion
of temperature and humidity readings; (2) in the moment captures of
lexical items when I learn them, with filling of various (band format)
categories such as "scientific name" or "english common name" as they
are being captured; appointments or deadlines); (3) song lyrics or
tablature from the clipboard, captured into a specific file and heading;
(4) specific project notes as they occur to me.

So my usage is diverse enough that a list of several of the last
captures, especially automatically through the bookmark facility of
Emacs, would be useful.

Thank you for any ideas.

Alan Davis

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