Aaron Ecay <aarone...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Rasmus,
> 2015ko martxoak 1an, Rasmus-ek idatzi zuen:
>>> At this point, we probably need to implement a BIBLIOGRAPHY keyword
>>> (files) and BIBLIOGRAPHY_BACKEND (bibtex, zotero, jabref...) and provide
>>> basic tools to handle citations in an Org document.
>> Probably a CITATION_STYLE as well, e.g. "numeric", "author-year", etc.
>> I'll try to look at biblatex support for ox-latex, which should be the
>> easiest target, but ATM I'm a bit busy.  
> If you have time, I’d appreciate your opinion on whether the approach
> I’ve started of doing latex and non-latex together in ox-cite is a good
> approach, or whether instead you’d rather handle latex within ox-latex.

Good that I didn't start hacking on ox-latex in the plain, but went for
org-element instead :)

I will check them out.  I think ox-cite will be a beast.  Still, since
citation is a single object it should probably be in backends.
E.g. export of inlinetasks are handled in backends.

Still, general functionality and backend support and/or API should
probably be in a separate library.


> Should we also support “plain” bibtex and natbib?

I think John said that journals often require natbib.  At this point I'm
using biblatex only.

For ox-latex, it might make sense to have a :citation-backend which is
maps supported citations types to packages.  Until somebody complains, we
could support biblatex only.

>> For bibtex-outside-of-latex, reftex-cite.el is decent, but not great¹.
>> Still, it may be easier to fix it up that to write our own bibtex
>> parser.
> It would also be possible to just use an external program like
> citeproc-java.  WDYT?

This is the preferred method by far!  The closer we can get to the latex
citation where we just insert "naïve" commands the better IMO.


In theory, practice and theory are the same. In practice they are not

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