Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> On Wednesday,  4 Mar 2015 at 17:28, Eric Abrahamsen wrote:
> [...]
>> I'm still seeing an issue where, if I start right off typing a big
>> paragraph of text at the top of the message (no salutation or anything),
>> all the lines *after* the first line are indented by one tab. Subsequent
>> paragraphs are unaffected.
> Hi Eric,
> I had this problem for a long time.  It disappeared a some time ago now
> and I have no idea why.  However, while I had the problem, I trained
> myself to always start an email (that was not a response like this one)
> with some form of salutation!  More polite as well as avoiding the bug
> :)

Well, sure :) I guess I'll try being politer!

I just poked around a little bit, edebugging
`org-adaptive-fill-function'. I looked at the call to
`fill-context-prefix' two-thirds of the way down. I tested this with the
last email I sent, and I see that calling `org-adaptive-fill-function'
on the first paragraph results in `fill-context-prefix' being called
with the arguments 1 (the post-affiliated arg), and 447 (the end
position of the first paragraph). The result of that call is a tab.

If I move to the second paragraph and do the same thing, the
post-affiliated arg was 447, and the end position is 475. The result of
that call was nil, which is probably what I wanted.

My value of adaptive-fill-regexp, in this case is:

"\\(\\([        ]*[_.[:word:]]+>+\\|[   ]*[]>|]\\)+\\)[         ]*\\|[
]*\\([-–!|#%;>*·•‣⁃◦]+[         ]*\\)*"

I will poke further as time allows. I don't know much about filling (and
have never understood what "post-affiliated" actually means), but assume
I can eventually get to the bottom of it...


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