(T.F. Torrey) writes:

> I wonder how much effort it would take to copy onto my own machine the
> scripts on the server that package the git maint version into an ELPA
> version, and modify them to package master instead.  Probably not much.

The shell script below is what I use to create my own org-plus-contrib
ELPA package.

Rather than relying on,,, etc.,
I've been creating my own packages over the past year or so.  This way I
know exactly which packages are installed in not only my emacs, but my
colleagues who use my packages.  So far this has worked out great for


# This script builds org-plus-contrib-YYYYMMDD.tar ELPA package from the git
# clone of org-mode.

if [ ! -f mk/ ]; then
  echo "Current directory must be org-mode root directory"
  exit 1

# Where to install the tarballs 

# has the elpaplus makefile target
echo " include mk/" >> Makefile

make SERVROOT=$SERVROOT elpaplus elpaplus-up

# Undo the change made above
git checkout Makefile
rm -f archive-contents

# $SERVROOT/org-plus-contrib-YYYYMMDD.tar
# should now be created with today as value of YYYYMMDD.

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