(Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo) writes:

> J. David Boyd writes:
>> I have 4 files I use for work in my main org folder.  And I have 
>> a in another folder, that is inside of Dropbox. 
>> I created a symlink to in my main org folder. When 
>> I start emacs and load the agenda, it asks me 
>> Symbolic link to Git-controlled source file; follow link? (y or 
>> n) 
>> Is there some setting (that I can't seem to find) that will 
>> always just allow this, rather than querying me?
> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
>   (setq vc-follow-symlinks t)
> BTW, I think that using dropbox in a git controlled directory 
> might not be a good idea: if there are conflicts of files inside 
> of the .git directory between two machines, you will never notice 
> them because dropbox doesn't report them, so the actual git repos 
> might be different between the two machines. I you are using git, 
> why don't you clone the main org directory in the other machine 
> and pull changes when you use the other machine?
> Best,

Thanks for the warning.  Git is actually going to go away on a few of those
folders.  I was using that to keep synced between a few linux machines, but am
going to use dropbox instead.  I don't need the level of versioning that git
provides for the few config files and org files that I have there.


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