Hi Rainer,

In terms of searching through all open buffers,
here is what I use (helm and helm-multi-occur):

| (setq helm-M-x-requires-pattern 0)
| ;; http://emacs.stackexchange.com/a/740
| (require 'helm-regexp)
| (eval-after-load "helm-regexp"
|   '(setq helm-source-moccur
|          (helm-make-source "Moccur" 'helm-source-multi-occur :follow 1)))
| (defun my-helm-multi-occur-buffers ()
|   "multi-occur in all buffers backed by files."
|   (interactive)
|   (helm-multi-occur
|    (delq nil
|          (mapcar (lambda (b)
|                    (when (buffer-file-name b) (buffer-name b)))
|                  (buffer-list)))))
| (global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-p") (lambda ()
|                                   (interactive)
|                                   (helm-mode 1)
|                                   (my-helm-multi-occur-buffers) 
|                                   (helm-mode 0)
|                                   ))

There are other solutions to this such as org-velocity:

- http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-velocity.html
- https://github.com/Fuco1/org-velocity

Both helm + helm-multi-occur and org-velocity offer auto-complete
search functionality.

Best regards

On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 02:44:29PM +0100, Rainer M Krug wrote:
> Hi
> I got an error as follow when I tried to export:
> ,----
> | org-babel-exp process R at line 5495...
> | Evaluation of this R code-block is disabled.
> | user-error: Unable to resolve link "*uLELFit"
> `----
> I thought "OK - I'll search for uLELFit and just fix this link - but I
> could do what I wanted, I did not manage to find the link.
> I figured out that I can not search for text in the link.
> Thins is quite annoying, especially as I even thought of opening the
> file in another texteditor, search for the string, and save it again.
> As an example: if this link is in an org-mode file, A search for "exa"
> does not return any results.
> [[*Examples][Link to exp]]
> Is this a problem on my side?
> ,----
> | Org-mode version 8.3beta (release_8.3beta-927-ge0b19d @ 
> /Users/rainerkrug/.emacs.d/org-mode/lisp/)
> | GNU Emacs 24.4.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin14.0.0, Carbon Version 157 AppKit 
> 1343.16) of 2015-02-02 on Rainers-MacBook-Pro-4.local
> `----
> Thanks,
> Rainer
> -- 
> Rainer M. Krug
> email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
> PGP: 0x0F52F982

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