Sebastien Vauban <> writes:

> Rasmus wrote:
>> Sebastien Vauban <> writes:
>>> Rasmus wrote:
>>>> Matt Price <> writes:
>>>>> I feel like I've seen the answer to this somewhere but I can't find it --
>>>>> is it possible for me to get "->" and "=>" to render as rightarrows (→, 
>>>>> ⇒)?
>>>> Do you want to render it in the buffer or on export?  For the buffer you
>>>> could use prettify-symbols-mode.
>>> ... by adding the following into your .emacs:
>>>   ;; Show entities as UTF8 characters.
>>>   (setq org-pretty-entities t)          ; emsp, etc.
>> This would work for "\rightarrow" but I don't think you can configure it
>> to support "->".  For that you'd need prettify-symbols-mode, I think.
> I think you're right, indeed!

So we need both if we want to display all these characters, right ?

-- Xavier.

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