Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:

>> <div class="page-header">
>>   <h1>This would be the title <small>and this the subtitle</small></h1>
>> </div>
>> ref: http://getbootstrap.com/components/#page-header

According to html5doctor.com:

    Note: Some have been advocating of the use of the small element to
    signify subtitles. This has been under discussion in the HTML working
    group, but no compelling arguments for its use have been
    made. Therefore it is not advised to use small to mark up subtitles.

That puts the nail in that coffin. . .

>> Another commonly seen approach is this (many web CMS use this pseudo
>> standard):
>> <h1 class="title">My Title</h1>
>> <h2 class="subtitle">My Subtitle</h1>
> This is basically how it's handled.  I guess you could get the former by
> writing a custom preamble and disabling title export.

The same page as above leads to this interesting documents, which
unfortunately has draft in its name.


It suggests the following:

I really like this one!  This is the HTML5 solution, it seems.  Then this
could be used for non-HTML5:

    <h1>Ramones <br>
    <span>Hey! Ho! Let's Go</span> 



And when I’m finished thinking, I have to die a lot

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