Bill White <> writes:

> On Thu Mar 26 2015 at 08:18, "Chris Willard" <> wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> I am thinking about changing to a Mac from Windows and wanted to check
>> that there are no issues with using org-mode in OS X.
>> I would like to know what version of Emacs people use (e.g. Aquamacs)
>> and also if there are any issues using org-mode on a Mac. For example,
>> I export to PDF frequently so would like to know if I need any other
>> software for this.
> I do this to get emacs on my macbook pro:
> ,----[ emacs-install ]
> | #!/usr/local/bin/bash
> | brew update
> | brew unlink emacs
> | brew uninstall emacs
> | brew install emacs --HEAD --use-git-head --cocoa --with-gnutls --with-rsvg 
> --with-imagemagick
> | brew linkapps
> `----

Great, thank you ! I never looked at the upgrade process of emacs via
brew. That's done (one more TODO marked done :D).

-- Xavier.

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