The markdown file will not contain the bibliography. You have to use
pandoc to get that, e.g. create a bibtex file containing the citations,
and run something like

pandoc --bibliography=test.bib --filter pandoc-citeproc -o

This works on a minimal kind of example for me.

see also

Jordi Inglada writes:

> John Kitchin <> wrote:
>> There is no odt support. I am not sure what the best way to do that is,
>> since I don't know how to format the citations in odt. You could try
>> exporting to markdown and then use pandoc to convert to odt. I think the
>> citations export as pandoc citations in markdown export.
> Thank you for your prompt reply.
> I tried the markdown export and, yes, the citations get exported as for 
> instance "[@breimandecisiontrees]", but the markdown file does not contain 
> the reference itself. I don't know markdown, so there is something I am not 
> doing correctly.
> Best wishes,
> Jordi
>> Jordi Inglada writes:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am a very happy user of your org-ref package, mainly for getting bibtex 
>>> entries from DOIs, organizing my bibliography and writing papers in LaTeX.
>>> I need to export a document in ODT format and it seems that the
>>> cite:xxx references do not get exported. Is this a missing feature
>>> or is there some specific configuration to set up to make it work?
>>> I have also tried using pandoc to export to Word, but the behavior is the 
>>> same.
>>> Thanks for your great work.
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Jordi
>> --
>> Professor John Kitchin
>> Doherty Hall A207F
>> Department of Chemical Engineering
>> Carnegie Mellon University
>> Pittsburgh, PA 15213
>> 412-268-7803
>> @johnkitchin

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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