Thank you Uwe. I've actually settled on vimwiki but I glance at
orgmode every now and then. This might get me to switch.

Have a great week!

On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 8:00 PM, Uwe Brauer <> wrote:
> Hello
> Attached you find a very small patch which adds BIDI support to org-mime.el
> basically it adds
> "
> \n " instead of simply "
> ") To the htmlized message. A new variable is introduced, namely: 
> org-mime-bidi-support which is per default set to nil. I turn it on when 
> switching to a BIDI language, as in the following function. (defun 
> my-turn-bidi-on () "Just start with to R2L and turn the hebrew (qwerty) 
> keyboard on" (interactive) (setq bidi-paragraph-direction 'right-to-left) 
> (set-face-font 'default "-etl-*-*-*-*-*-*-240-*-*-*-*-ISO8859-8") (setq 
> org-mime-bidi-support t) (set-input-method "hebrew-phonetic-qwerty" t) 
> (message "R2L on and the hebrew qwerty keyboard!")) On off when switching 
> back. Regards Uwe Brauer

Dotan Cohen

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