
Richard Lawrence <richard.lawre...@berkeley.edu> writes:

>> That being said, my gut feeling is that you have to define the data
>> elsewhere.
>> For example, to add a (sub)title to a odt document the field/keyword is
>> defined in a file different from contents.xml and will just not be printed
>> if used in contents.xml only.
> Hmm.  But the citations are all just represented as <text:p>
> nodes...surely that doesn't have to be defined elsewhere?

You are right.  Also, oolatex inserts citations as plain text as well.  As
I recall, it can be done "semantically" and section 6.3 of the odt
standard suggest that this may be true, but it's not immediately obvious
how to do it.

> I am now guessing that the problem is that you can't have one <text:p>
> inside another.  Each paragraph is wrapped in a <text:p>, but so are the
> citations within it...maybe that is not correct and so LibreOffice
> doesn't like it.

I don't think <text:p> can be nested cf.


>> Also, the bibliography is not "correct" in the sense that if it was setup
>> in the right semantic way, it would be gray in LO, like the TOC.
> Do you know what other markup is required in this case?  It looks like
> maybe the TOC is gray because it is marked with a "text:protected"
> attribute, or maybe because it has an associated "OrgIndexSection"
> style?

It has to be formatted as a bibliography.


I've attached a minimal oolatex example (mk4ht oolatex test.tex) of

    before \textcite[pre][post]{schulte12} and after

Hope it helps,

. . . The proofs are technical in nature and provides no real understanding

Attachment: test.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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