
Jude DaShiell <jdash...@panix.com> writes:

> Let's try this with a slightly better url.
> http://webstandards.sonoma-county.org/content.aspx?sid=1014&id=1123#Content

>From the above url

>    Title field: Enter a meaningful name for the document.

Use #+TITLE.

>     Author field


>     Subject field


> Set the appropriate language


> "Add Tags to Document" tool 

Use #+KEYWORDS, I guess?

> Correct All Issues from Add Tags Report – All issues listed in the
> Accessibility section of the Add Tags Report must be corrected to make
> the file accessible.

I don't know what this is.

> Manually Tag – If you need to manually tag a section of a PDF page, use
> the TouchUp Reading Order Tool.

Not possible.

> Tagging PDF Content as a Table

I don't know what this is, and there's no text

> [More stuff about manual stuff]

> Step 5 - The Accessibility Statement

Feel free to do so.  You could customize org-latex-title-command.

> Step 6 - Add Descriptive Text to Images

Not possible ATM but you can add captions.  If a LaTeX package exists for
this, alttext could be added to images.

> Verify and Correct the Reading Order
> Verify Accessibility

I don't know how to do this.

> Optimization and Compatibility

There's a LaTeX options for optimization, I think, but it is not on by
default, but you could add it to org-latex-default-packages.

> Redact Personal and Private Information

See how to add metadata in the top of the file.

Hope it helps,

Send from my Emacs

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