I haven't read all of the replies, but I use todochiku (cross platform) with 
some configs:

** Notification snystem
*** About
Get libnotify notifcations for  Org-dates. 
I.e anthying that is scheduled/has deadline or 
just has a <date time> stamp like: <2011-03-13 Fri 10:10>
Will generate a popup.

I have it set to not-time out. The reason is sometimes I go to get tea
and want to see the notifcation when I get back.

It works with repeating dates like < 2011-03-13 Fri 20:00 .+1d>
Note, while it works with org-habit, it doesn't work with
org-habit ranges in the repeat intervals, like: <2011-03-13 Fri 21:00 +1d/5d>
For such situations, add an extra time stamp with repeater.

*Required Packages:* 
 - appt [build-in]
 - todochiku     (I should remove this guy, generates an annoying popup).
*** Code
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  ; Configure package requirements:
  (require 'appt)
  (require 'todochiku)

  ; Configure what goes into appt:
  (setq org-agenda-include-diary t)

  ;interval is bigger than warning time so that notification appears only once.
  (setq appt-display-interval 3)  
  (setq appt-message-warning-time 1)

  ; (setq appt-display-duration 100000000)  ;Seconds. ; NOTE: this doesn't 
override todochiku
  (setq todochiku-timeout 36000) ;in seconds. ~10 hours or till clicked-away.

  ; Refresh function.
  ; (called also by hooks below)
  ; This includes only entries on a given day. It doesn't schedule days in 
  (defun my/refresh-org-agenda-appts ()
    "Clear previous appt list and update it with new entries. Note this is 
    (setq appt-time-msg-list nil)

  ;---- Refresh appoinments Under various situations.
  ; This is needed for proper scheduling.
  ; To check if your appointments were re-scheduled properly, 
  ; check the "appt-time-msg-list" variable.

  ; run when starting Emacs 

  ;  everyday at 12:05am
  (run-at-time "12:05am" (* 24 3600) 'my/refresh-org-agenda-appts)

  ; Upon reloading of agenda with 'r'
  (defadvice  org-agenda-redo (after org-agenda-redo-add-appts)
    "Pressing `r' on the agenda will also add appointments."
  (ad-activate 'org-agenda-redo) ;activate the advice. 

  ; Upon loading of agenda initially
  (add-hook 'org-finalize-agenda-hook 'my/refresh-org-agenda-appts)

Leo Ufimtsev | Intern Software Engineer @ Eclipse Team

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nikolaus Rath" <nikol...@rath.org>
To: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
Sent: Monday, April 6, 2015 10:52:43 PM
Subject: [O] Best practices to get reminders?


I'm just starting to use org-mode. The first thing I'd like to use it
for is to keep track of stuff that I need to do. Writing things up and
calling up the agenda is easy enough, and I really like how-much
functionality is available in what's essentially a plain text document.

However, there's one thing where I feel lost. I don't expect to be
editing my orgmode files on a daily basis (at least not yet), so how can
I make sure that I don't miss an important deadline? It seems to me that
it doesn't help much if instead of worrying to forget a deadline I now
have to worry about forgetting to check my org-mode agenda...

How do other people handle this? Is everyone else opening and working on
their org files daily so that this becomes a non-issue?

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             »Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a Banana.«

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