Hi Eric,

I added some functions in the attachment. they colorize the comments,
add an org-comment menu to the org-menu, and some functions for pop to
and delete comments from the list mode, and a hydra for commands to
insert comments. Do you want to get this up on github to facilitate
developing it?

Eric Abrahamsen writes:

> Eric Abrahamsen

Attachment: org-comment.el
Description: application/emacs-lisp

 <e...@ericabrahamsen.net> writes:
>> Vikas Rawal <vikasli...@agrarianresearch.org> writes:
>>>     On 25-Apr-2015, at 6:22 am, John Kitchin <jkitc...@andrew.cmu.edu>
>>>     wrote:
>>>     Inspired by this conversation, I hacked up this functional comment
>>>     link:
>>> http://kitchingroup.cheme.cmu.edu/blog/2015/04/24/Commenting-in-org-files/
>>>     It has a custom link type that exports in html and latex, and when
>>>     you click on it, it asks if you want to delete the comment.
>>> Nice. One small issue is that when I highlight a text and add comment
>>> to it, and then delete the comment, one space following the last word
>>> is removed.
>>> Also, it would be good to make the comment stand out in LaTeX (and
>>> other) exports, preferably by pushing it to the margin (so it does not
>>> move everything else).
>> Hang on a bit, I'm wasting my afternoon expanding this...
> Okay, this is as far as I got today. I changed some behavior from John's
> implementation: when following the links, it seemed like displaying the
> comment text would be more useful than deleting it -- I think many of us
> have "delete-org-link" functions lying around. I also couldn't get the
> add-comment thing to work, as it complained when there was no region, so
> I changed how that works.
> Lastly, I spent most of my time learning how tabular list mode works,
> and haven't actually tested the export. Will save that for tomorrow.
> Otherwise, here's the introduction from the Commentary. Comments and
> suggestions very welcome!
> Provides a new link type for Org that allows you to create comments
> on arbitrary chunks of text.  The link prefix is "comment:".
> Add comments with `org-comment-add-comment'.  Following the link
> will display the text of the comment in a pop-up buffer.  The
> buffer is in special-mode, hit "q" to dismiss it.
> Call `org-comment-display-comments' to see all comments in a buffer.
> See the `org-comment-[backend]-export-style' options for ways to
> format comments in export.
> 1. Better export customization options.
> 2. What does the ODT comment XML look like?
> 3. More functions in the display comment buffer: copy as
> kill... what else?
> 4. More functions in the comments list buffer, to display, pop to,
> delete, and edit comment text.
> 5. Is it possible to have multi-line filled tabular list items?
> Long comments are not very useful if you can't see the whole thing.
> 5. Allow multiple comment list buffers attached to different Org
> buffers.
> 6. Maybe a minor mode for ease of manipulating comments?

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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