I think properties can be used for this. I personally like the
org-secretary module, described nicely here by the author:
Also, personalized agendas
<http://orgmode.org/manual/Storing-searches.html#Storing-searches> for your
entire set of org-files is useful here.

On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 10:47 AM, Daniel Hertrich <
daniel@daniel-hertrich.photo> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I’m new to this mailing list and very eager to see what’s up in here. Is
> it still active? I hope so. Emacs is old, but it seems that still many
> people use it.
> So am I. After trying many different approaches to organizing information
> and tasks, I’m now looking into Emacs / org-mode, because I like the
> efficient keyboard-centric text-mode way of working.
> One question that I did not find a satisfactory answer for on my numerous
> days of research about Emacs / org-mode (however, maybe I „don’t see the
> wood for the trees“):
> I want to mix information and tasks in one file. That’s how it’s supposed
> to be, as far as I understand.
> I want to enter information as a journal, relatively strictly. So if I add
> a note to an appointment, I’d like to add that note not in the file area of
> that appointment, but to the end of the file, crosslinking the appointment
> and the new note. Is there a way to achieve that easily?
> I know how to make tasks with the org-todo-keywords.
> Now I want to mark chunks of information in that file in a similar way,
> but keep it outside of the task workflow. I’d like to have that information
> accessible and finable easily, and I want to differentiate different kinds
> of information.
> Quick example:
> * TODO This is my first task
> Some task description goes here
> * MEETINGNOTE of meeting 2015-07-02 MyCompany
> ** participants
> *** —> John Doe
> *** —> Mary Sample
> ** Goal
> This is the description of meeting goal
> ** Outcome
> Outcome of the meeting
> * PERSON John Doe
> Street address
> email address
> telephone
> * COMPANY MyCompany
> address
> field of operation
> employees:
> - John Doe
> - Mary Sample
> * INFO 2015-07-01 John Doe does not want to work with Emacs
> * NOTE 2015-07-02 16:20 called John on the phone
> here go some notes about the telephone call with John
> So for example:
> - I’d like to have all the info (cross)linked, so that if I click e.g. on
> any occurrence of „John Doe“ I’d like to see a list of matches that mention
> John Doe: his PERSON entry, the notes of meetings he participated, the
> company he is an employee of etc. How can I mark up info in a way that
> Emacs or org links such info? Or isn’t this possible? Do I have to use
> Gnowsys or something like that for this?
> - I’d like to be able to search all „PERSON“ entries for a specific name.
> - I’d like to be able to archive chunks of information, e.g. a MEETINGNOTE
> that’s obsolete, equally as I can do it with tasks
> - I’d like to filter, i.e. have Emacs only show me e.g. the „MEETINGNOTES“
> entries with all their text, but filter out everything else. Maybe even
> only „MEETINGNOTES“ with tag „XY“… combined filtering. Possible via Agenda,
> as I understand it, at least partially. Matching tags and combinations of
> tags etc.
> Fot those of you who owned (or still own) a HP 200LX Palmtop and use
> Andreas Garzotto’s excellent PIM/PE on it (PE was a text editor that was
> partially inspired by Emacs and PIM was quite similar to org-mode, although
> PIM existed prior to org-mode): I’d like to do something similar with Emacs
> / org that was possible with PIM/PE. :-)
> Thanks for any hints, pointers and ideas,
> Daniel

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