
I still use thunderbird for email and will continue to do so for a while --
likely until concurrency is well-enough established that my mail client
hanging doesn't stop me from working.

However: I am jealous of the ease with which everyone emails subtrees
around, and I would like to be able to do that.  My current usecase is
marking student papers. I havea macro that generates this subtree

** Student name

| Clarity of Thesis | |
| Organization | |
| Presentation of Evidence | |
| Etc | |

I want to fill out this form, key in a command, and have emacs prompt me
for an email (or look the email up somewhere?) and generate a mail buffer
with this subtree as its contents; optionally attach a .doc or .pdf
attachement; and send the htmlized buffer for me, saving the sent mail
either to my IMAP Sent folder or my local mbox Sent folder.

It would be nice if it had access to my contacts, either via GMail or
through thunderbbird (those are synced, I think).

What's my best bet?

Thanks as always,

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