Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:

> Eric Abrahamsen <e...@ericabrahamsen.net> writes:
>> Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:
>>> Eric Abrahamsen <e...@ericabrahamsen.net> writes:
>>>> (setq message-send-mail-function 'message-send-mail-with-sendmail)
>>>> (setq sendmail-program "msmtp")
>>> Emacs is pretty good at talking to smtp servers.  You can simply add a
>>> header like this to your message (e.g. via `gnus-posting-styles' or
>>> `message-default-headers'):
>>>     X-Message-Smtp-Method: smtp smtp.email.com 465 rasmus
>>> For saving the sent mail, Gnus uses the GCC header.  I don't know what
>>> you'd do in the case of plain message.el.
>> I looked at my .gnus.el file, and found this:
>> ;;; the following might be obviated by the X-SMTP-METHOD headers,
>> ;;; except I don't think it will work for my case: the header is
>> supposed to contain
> How very frustrating....  My guess is that you have got bit rot on your
> system.  Better call a professional.
> In any case, I have moved ALL sending configuration to gnus-posting-style
> and it's brilliant.  Before I was messing with hooks to change variables
> before dispatching.
> (setq gnus-posting-styles
>         '(((lambda ()
>              (rasmus/gnus-posting-style-identify
>               '(".*") '(("To". "mymail\\.net")) nil "mymail"))
>            (GCC "nnimap+mail:mymail/sent")
>            (X-Message-SMTP-Method "smtp mymail.net 465 rasmus")
>            (signature
>             (or (ignore-errors
>                   (cookie (concat user-emacs-directory "signatures") "" ""))
>                 "Send from my Emacs"))
>            (Face (gnus-random-face))
>            (address "ras...@mymail.net")
>            (Organization nil)
>            (eval (setq smtpmail-stream-type 'ssl)))
>            ;; work email omitted
>           ((lambda ()
>              (rasmus/gnus-posting-style-identify
>               '("gmx\\|gmane\\|sunsite\\|emacs")
>               '(("To" . "rasmus@gmx\\.us"))
>               '(message-news-p)
>               "gmx"))
>            (name "Rasmus")
>            (address "ras...@gmx.us")
>            (Organization nil)
>            (GCC "nnimap+mail:gmx/sent")
>            (X-Message-SMTP-Method "smtp mail.gmx.com 587 ras...@gmx.us")
>            (eval (setq smtpmail-stream-type nil)))))
> `gnus-configure-posting-styles' is handy when changing profile OTG.

But how does this handle composing new blank messages? What does
`rasmus/gnus-posting-style-identity' do exactly?


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