Manuel Koell <> writes:

> How can I schedule my todo's more roughly? Say, I know I want to do it next 
> week or in a few months but I don't know the exact date nor time to do it. I 
> just want a way to plan more
> foresighted. If the week starts or the month I could always set a more 
> accurate timestamp then. Any idea? I tried to remove the day number in a 
> timestamp but this would destroy the
> timestamp.

I don't think there's anything built-in that will do this -- I'd
recommend just rescheduling everything to Monday morning next week, and
then do finer-grained rescheduling on the Monday.

You might be amused to try the "random scatter" rescheduling option:
mark the relevant todos, "B" for bulk action, then "S" to shotgun them
over the next N days.


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