On Friday, 24 Jul 2015 at 15:07, Rainer M Krug wrote:
> Hi
> In an org document, I want to change the text colour of two words
> {\color{red} red line } to red in a sentence and the rest should be
> normal colour.
> I am missing something, as this changes the text colour for the rest of
> the sentence into red. How can I only change the colour of the two
> words?

I usually do this type of thing as follows:

#+latex: {\color{red}
red line
#+latex: }

which allows for org-isms in the text.  Alternatively, you could do:

... @@latex:{\color{red} red line}@@

if you don't need to use org syntax within the {}.

: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.3beta-1293-g985420

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