
I am facing what seems to be a common situation, yet I can't find a way out. Imagine this scenario: A list of people, a number of fields/properties per person, and the date for a personal meeting.
For convenience, I handle this information through tables.

| Name | Address | Sex | Rank | Date                   |
| A    | blah    | M   |    3 | <2015-07-30 Thu 10:00> |
| B    |         | F   |   10 | <2015-08-11 Tue 15:00> |
| C    | blah2   |     |   13 |                        |
| D    | blah3   | M   |   15 | <2015-09-28 Mon 07:00> |
|      |         |     |      |                        |

How can I get the meetings (the Names) to show up as Agenda events?

One of the successful approaches I tried is to use properties (instead of table columns), and edit via column view. However, this is significantly slower (for me) than using straight tables; also the column view is nice, but not as clean as a straight table.

I tried to transpose a table into properties, but could not do that.

Any help or suggestions, please?

Thank you!
Prof. Paolo Bientinesi, Ph.D.


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